In this post we will discuss the 7 chakras for beginners so that you may use this knowledge to help yourself and those around you. Let’s look at the chakra definition.
Chakra Definition
There are seven centres of spiritual power in the human body. Seven wheels of spinning light, they are based on Sanskrit teachings.
Chakras – What they are and how they work.
The word chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning ‘wheel’.
Chakras are seen as spinning wheels of light by those with the ability to see subtle energy. While the 7 chakras have been incorporated in many spiritual practices, their existence is based, not upon religion, but upon awareness of energy. Scientific instrumentation is now beginning to record and validate them.
We have auric and astral bodies, known collectively as energy bodies, that surround our physical body.
Our energy bodies are also known as auric layers. They contain different types of information that correspond to our chakras.
Chakras are centres that regulate the energy flowing between our physical and energy bodies.
The Three Auric Layers
Etheric Layer
The first layer is known as the Etheric layer. It vibrates between 1 and 2 inches away from the physical body. It holds information about our physical health.
Emotional Layer
The second layer is known as the Emotional layer. It vibrates between 1 and 3 inches away from the physical body. It holds information about our emotions and feelings.
Mental Layer
The third layer is known as the Mental layer. It vibrates between 3 and 8 inches away from the physical body. It holds information about our ideas, thoughts, and mental processes.
Learning About 7 Chakras For Beginners.
All these auric layers send and receive energy from chakras in the physical body.
The 7 Chakras for Beginners and Their Functions.
- Root
- Sacral
- Solar Plexus
- Heart
- Throat
- Brow (3rd Eye)
- Crown
Root Chakra
The Root Chakra is red. It governs the element of Earth. Its sense is Smell, its musical note is ‘C’ it’s mantra is ‘Lam’ and it is located at the base of the spine.
This chakra governs our kidneys, pelvis, hips, knees, lower back, sciatic nerve and bowel movements.
The developmental age of this chakra is thought to be between 0 and 7 years.
When this chakra is imbalanced, we may become susceptible to addictive behaviours such as over or under eating, alcohol and/or drug abuse.
We may also experience greed, fearfulness, financial insecurity, constipation and low energy.
These imbalances may restrict us from being who we would really like to be.
Using meditation or exercise is an effective way to rebalance this chakra.
When this chakra is balanced, we can again experience a healthy connection to our body and feel good about ourselves, allowing us to feel confident and energetic.
Nothing will really bother us.
We can help and support other people and have a keen interest in caring for our planet.
We can feel secure and enjoy the physical and mental stimulation and can be naturally optimistic.
Sacral Chakra
The Sacral Chakra is orange. It governs the element of Water, its sense is Taste, its musical note is ‘D’ its mantra is ‘Vam’ and it is found between the sternum bone and the belly button.
This chakra governs our genitals, reproductive organs, bladder and prostate.
The developmental age of this chakra is thought to be between 7 and 14 years.
When this chakra is imbalanced, negative issues and feelings can arise.
These may include manipulation, emotional insecurity, jealousy, sexual abuse, the lack of competitiveness, sexual addiction, feelings of being unloved, the inability to be intimate, emotional numbness, impotence, genital problems, and lower back problems.
Using meditation or exercise is a safe way to rebalance this chakra.
When this chakra is balanced, creativity and self-esteem are the dominant factors within us.
We can have a clear plan of where we are going and how to get there.
We can have a healthy desire to enjoy pleasure. Our sexual outlook can be healthy and balanced.
This overall emotional balance allows us to receive and give the best in life.
Solar Plexus Chakra
The Solar Plexus Chakra is yellow. It governs the element of Fire, its sense is Sight, its musical note is ‘E’ its mantra is ‘Ram’ and it is found between the belly button and the bottom of the rib cage.
This chakra governs our spleen, liver, gallbladder, stomach and pancreas.
The developmental age of this chakra is thought to be between 14 and 21 years.
When this chakra is imbalanced, we may feel the need to dominate and convince other people of our views. We may see ourselves as separate from other people.
We can be judgmental, critical, aggressive and defensive. Low self-esteem, fearfulness, sluggishness, hypersensitivity, nervous tummy, and anger can be very dominant in our personality.
Using meditation or exercise is a good way to rebalance this chakra.
When this chakra is balanced, we can have a powerful sense of identity without feeling the need to try to dominate other people.
There is spontaneity, a strength of will, a sense of purpose and self-esteem that is the backbone of our personality.
Heart Chakra
The Heart Chakra is green. It governs the element of Air, its sense is Touch, its musical note is ‘F’ its mantra is ‘Yam’ and it is at the Centre of the chest.
This chakra governs the physical heart, lungs and the thymus.
The developmental age of this chakra is thought to be between 21 and 28 years.
When this chakra is imbalanced, we may have issues with possessiveness, jealousy, shyness, loneliness, isolation, lack of empathy, asthma, heart disease and circulatory problems.
Using meditation or exercise is a good way to rebalance this chakra.
When this chakra is balanced, we can have healthy relationships and be completely balanced internally.
We can be compassionate, self-accepting and understanding of ourselves, and can recognise our strengths and weaknesses.
Throat Chakra
The Throat Chakra is blue. It governs the element of Ether, its sense is Hearing, its musical note is ‘G’ its mantra is ‘Ham’ and it is located at the base of the throat.
This chakra governs the vocal cords, thyroid and voice box.
The developmental age of this chakra is thought to be between 28 and 35 years.
When this chakra is imbalanced, we may experience problems such as stuttering, fear of public speaking, the inability to listen to other people or excessive talking.
Diseases affecting our thyroid and illnesses such as a sore throat and general drug problems could be apparent.
Using meditation, or speech therapy is a good way to rebalance this chakra.
When this chakra is balanced, we can enjoy clear communication, creativity and freedom of expression.
We also allow others to have the same.
Brow Chakra (3rd Eye)
The Brow Chakra is dark blue/indigo. It governs the element of Light, its sense is Telepathy, its musical note is ‘A’ its mantra is ‘Sham’ and it is located on the forehead between the eyebrows.
This chakra governs the pituitary gland.
The developmental age of this chakra is thought to be between 35 and 42 years.
When this chakra is imbalanced we may have nightmares, hallucinations, delusions, difficulty concentrating, loss of memory and headaches.
Practicing meditation is a good way to rebalance this chakra.
When this chakra is balanced, we have a vivid imagination, clear vision, accurate interpretation and very strong and accurate psychic perception. We can enjoy a strong connection to the psychic stream.
Crown Chakra
The Crown Chakra is white or violet. It governs the element of the All – The Cosmic Kingdom. Its musical note is ‘B ‘. Its mantra is ‘Om’ and it is located on top of the head.
This chakra governs the pineal gland.
The developmental age of this chakra is thought to be between 42 and 49 years.
When this chakra is imbalanced, we may experience problems such as religious or spiritual addiction, confusion, disassociation, limiting belief systems, materialism and apathy.
Practicing meditation is the best way to rebalance this chakra.
When this chakra is truly balanced, we experience transcendence.
We have internal wisdom, knowledge, consciousness and a true spiritual connection.
Meditation is much easier allowing for a far stronger connection, leading us to feel more fulfilled and happy within ourselves.
We hoped you enjoyed our 7 chakras for beginners post, now that you what all the chakras are, you are well on your way to master more sacral secrets that the body holds. Here is some research done on the chakras and medicine. Please share this post with your friends and family.